Monday, May 28, 2007

I am a FanBoy

As you may or may not be aware, I have provided the voices of Goten and Videl on DragonBall Z for many years. While the show stopped recording a few years back, we still voice video games and such. This weekend I was in Raleigh, NC for an anime convention called Animazement. Myself, Kyle Hebert, and Takeshi Kusao did a panel for all DragonBall Z fans. We were overwhelmed by the turn out! Seems we aren't the only ones who miss the show! The energy from the moment you walked in the room was unbelievable...and contagious! I will never forget it.

What made it more special was Kusaosan being in attendence. He is the original Japanese voice of Trunks, Goten's best friend on the show. There is a famous 'dance' from the show where Goten and Trunks fuse together to make Gotenks (whom I also voice along with Laura Bailey). At the end of the hour long panel (which was amazing), Kusaosan asked me to perform the fusion scream...a big deal for any fan of DBZ, and a great honor for me. See, I've been doing this for years, but to have the original voice with me was awesome!

My friend Bob Souer was kind enough to link video of the event from YouTube on his blog. It's much easier to view there than the original links. There is also video of me discussing how I became involved with the show.

You can read Bob's blog here.

I've seen a few coments on YouTube teasing the maker of the clip for being a 'fanboy'. If you were would know we were all 'fanboys' at that moment! I truly appreciate his enthusiasm!

In addition, an anime fan website did a half hour interview with Kyle Hebert and myself talking about cartoons, voice over, etc...I will let you know when it is posted! Kyle also has a video blog which I will appear on...I will let you know when it is up!

Finally, here is another short clip of our yell, only there is a blurry picture at the end of myself and Kusaosan doing the fusion pose. If anyone else has a copy of this picture...will you send it to me? An enourmous 'THANK YOU' to all the fans for your support. Someone on a message board called this one of the greatest moments in anime history...I'm inclined to agree :)

It was an amzaing weekend to say the least!


Jack Williams said...

Hi Kara! I'm glad it was as much fun for the industry people as it was for the fans -- your enthusiasm was infectious!

I have two pictures of the panel: one group shot and one with you and Kusao "in the moment." I'll upload them in the coming days, and you're more than welcome to have a physical copy (I had double prints made).

I've been to seven anime conventions since 2004, and this one was my favorite overall. Thanks for making the weekend such a memorable occasion!


Anonymous said...

I agree, being there was really an awesome thing, and you couldn't help but get excited because you and the other VAs, and all the fans too, were just so full of energy! (Sorry for teasing the guy who posted the videos, I wasn't trying to be mean. Personally I'm surprised I didn't hyperventilate or something myself. ^^; )

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and experiences as Videl and Goten with us. =3 It's nice to know that the person playing a character loves that character just as much as the fans do.

I took a few pictures and a short video. They're not that great, but I thought you might like to see them anyway.

Kara Edwards said...


I'm glad you had such a good time! This was a great con- I love that they brought the Japanese voices together with the English voices! I told them I would one day love to meet the voice of Goten (who also voices Goku and Gohan in Japan). When you upload the pictures- I would love to see them!

Thank you for your comment!

Kara Edwards said...


Thank you for the links to the pictures and video! It's so nice to have YouTube so I can share the experience with my family! The pictures are great- I plan to order a few :). Overall, this was such a great experience. I had seen in some other forums (not the one you wrote in) where the cameraman was teased a bit. Because his voice is so loud- it seems like he was 'unusually' excited! I had to defend him- we were all having a blast! I hope to be invited back someday- this is a very different con than others I've been to. It's nice to actually meet the fans. What a great job we have :)
